


Throughout the Harry Potter series, we meet many fantastical beasts and creatures. Some are EXTREMELY beast-like, resembling monsters of old and primarily functioning at nightmare fuel. Whereas, others are much more humanoid than they are creature in their appearance, intellect and nature.

Alongside merpeople and centaurs, goblins and elves both fall into this latter, humanoid category of magical beings who live within the wizarding world of Harry Potter. And while the differences between the half-fish, half-humans of the sea and the half-horse, half-humans of the forest are quite obvious, the variations between goblins and elves are a little more difficult to identify.

In this article, we’ll take a look at how these magical beings are similar, and the many ways in which they are incredibly different.

The Similarities Between Goblins and Elves

While uniquely their own species, there are quite a few ways in which goblins and elves are the same. Below is a list identifying the most obvious similarities between the two.

  • Magic:Both of these beings have powerful abilities to perform magic that seem to be unique when compared to the capabilities of witches and wizards.
  • Appearance:The goblins and house elves that we are introduced to throughout Harry Potter—and even Fantastic Beasts for that matter—all have long, hooked noses and larger, pointed ears.
  • Stature:Goblins and elves are both much smaller than humans, and grow to be around three-to-four feet in height, on average.
  • Subjugation: Both goblins and elves have experienced oppression from wizardkind. Goblins are prohibited from using wands and studying wandlore, whereas elves have been enslaved as servants for powerful magical households.

The 5 Most Remarkable Differences Between Goblins and Elves

Despite the similarities noted above, there are actually more ways in which these two magical beings are quite unique from one another, including…

1. They are different species

One of the most obvious differences between goblins and elves is, of course, the fact that they are not the same species. This can be seen in a few particulars, including their DIFFERENCES in appearance, such as:

  • Build: Goblins are a lot stouter than elves, who typically seem to be much more slender, with bodies that are more proportionate than goblins.
  • Claws: Elves’ fingers and hands resemble those of humans much more than goblins, who have long, claw-like fingers with sharp nails.
  • Hair: While the majority of goblins we meet have hair on their heads, most elves are bald or have very little hair.

2. Their dispositions are completely opposite

With elves, it is evident that they are generally gentle and compliant beings. A perfect example of this is when the house elf, Dobby, punishes himself for speaking negatively about the Malfoy family, despite being a free elf and his general disdain for his former masters.

Goblins, on the other hand, are widely known for their trickery and lack of honesty. One notable example is when the goblin, Griphook, betrays Harry, Ron and Hermione in order to gain possession of the Sword of Gryffindor.

While some may argue that this perception of goblins is rooted in wizard prejudice, the limited portrayal of goblins in the series does seem to support this belief.

3. They have unique brands of magic

While elves possess extraordinary magical abilities that surpass those of most wizardkind, a goblin’s power seems to align more with that of a human’s.

This is evident from the fact that elves can teleport at will and perform magic without the need for a wand. Throughout the series, we even observe Dobby demonstrating telekinetic skills and the ability to turn invisible.

On the other hand, goblins rarely showcase their powers in the series, with the exception of what we see within Gringotts Wizarding Bank. This could be because their magic is closely tied to specific tools, like wands, much like with witches and wizards.

4. There’s a disparity in their social statuses

In both the Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts series, goblins are often employed in jobs that are considered “lower class.” For example, we see them working as bartenders and bank tellers, which seems to indicate that they are not accepted into more important societal positions within the magical community.

That said, goblins do have significant roles in running Gringotts Wizarding Bank and, therefore, the magical economy.

While goblins may not receive the best treatment from humans, they very clearly hold a higher position in the wizarding world compared to elves.

Elves, or more commonly, “house elves”, essentially live in a state of indentured servitude. Their only chance at freedom centers around receiving a gift of clothing from their masters. Obviously, this is much worse than having lower-ranking, paid jobs like goblins do.

5. Their languages are different

Goblins communicate with each other using a language called Gobbledegook, while house elves are believed to exclusively speak the languages of their human masters.

While it’s possible that house elves have their own language, there is no evidence to support the existence of such a language. That said, it’s hard to believe that magical beings with such abilities would not have their own native tongue.

Are Goblins and Elves All that Different?

Goblins and elves, as they appear in Harry Potter, are both smaller humanoid beings with powerful magical abilities. In spite of these similarities, however, there are many things that mark them as unique species, in particular, their brands of magic and their overall dispositions.

From Ron Weasley and Lavender Brown to Harry Potter and Cho Chang, there are more than a few examples of students dating while at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. But, as a magical boarding school, in which boys and girls not only shared the classroom and dining hall but also dormitory space, was dating fellow students at Hogwarts even ALLOWED?!

Throughout the series, there seemed to be a number of contradictory answers to this question. Sometimes, it was okay to have a romantic entanglement with one’s classmates. Yet, in other scenarios, it was pretty clear that it was, at the very least, STRONGLY DISCOURAGED.

In this article, we review the instances in which it seemed like it was fine to date while attending Hogwarts, as well as the times when it certainly did not!

Where Dating Was Encouraged at Hogwarts

Formal Events Like the Yule Ball

If you don’t think too hard about the topic, it may seem like the answer to this question is that it was totally okay to date fellow students. In fact, there are certain times when it appeared as though Hogwarts not only tolerated but even EMBRACED romantic relationships. This is especially true in consideration of the school’s more formal events, such as the Yule Ball.

As part of the Triwizard Tournament, there was the cherished tradition of the Yule Ball, a grand formal dance attended by students from all three schools who were involved in the tournament: Hogwarts, Durmstrang and Beauxbatons.

Student attendees of the event, especially the champions of the tournament, were encouraged to invite a date and come to the dance in pairs. This obviously suggests that there was a supportive environment for relationships within the hallowed halls of Hogwarts castle. What’s more, the tournament champions and their partners were then asked to perform a first dance together, suggesting that had they NOT brought a date, it would’ve been…quite awkward.

This all seems to clearly indicate that Hogwarts was an environment that supported and even ENCOURAGED student relationships.

Where Romance Was Prohibited at Hogwarts

And yet, while Hogwarts may not have explicitly banned relationships, it is important to note that these dalliances between students were not actively encouraged either.

Upon closer examination, there were actually several factors within the school that discouraged or quite plainly prevented romantic entanglements, including:

  • How the dormitories of Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw were set up
  • The strict enforcement of curfew, applicable to students of all ages
  • The constant presence of adult figures, including the dead and painted ones

The Set Up of House Dorms

Unlike other schools, Hogwarts did not provide students with private bedchambers. Instead, they were assigned to dorm rooms shared with their fellow house mates. This arrangement seemed to be a deliberate attempt to prevent students from being alone with one another, thus discouraging intimate relationships.

Even if the dorm rooms offered some semblance of privacy, accessing rooms in other dormitories proved challenging. For instance, the stairs leading to the girls’ dorm in Gryffindor house would transform into a slide if a male student attempted to ascend them. Such magical deterrents further inhibited interactions between students.

The School’s Strict Curfew

Hogwarts maintained a stringent curfew, leaving students with limited opportunities for clandestine encounters. The curfew’s strictness is shown in The Philosopher’s Stone, when Draco attempted to manipulate Harry and Ron into breaking curfew, hoping to have them expelled.

The threat of expulsion would obviously serve as a powerful deterrent against midnight rendezvous.

Ever-Present Chaperones

Within the hallowed halls of Hogwarts, solitude was a rare commodity. The presence of sentient paintings and haunting ghosts ensured that students were never truly alone. It’s quite possible that the abundance of these watchful entities was intentionally designed to monitor students and discourage any romantic “activities.”

In addition to the spectral and magical guardians, Hogwarts’ professors were also known to patrol the corridors. The ever-watchful caretaker, Filch, and his feline companion, Mrs. Norris, added an extra layer of surveillance. Even during the Yule Ball, Snape stood guard over the garden, presumably to prevent students from sneaking off into the night together.

Student Romances: A Hogwarts Contradiction

It would seem that romantic relationships between student was neither explicitly prohibited nor actively encouraged at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

While the Yule Ball and other instances suggest a certain level of acceptance, various factors within the school definitely prove the dissuasion of such connections. As such, it seems fair to assume that Hogwarts may have been attempting to strike a balance between allowing personal connections to flourish and maintaining a structured educational environment.

Today, we will uncover a popular fan theory that suggests a unique bond between Harry and the sinister Dementors.

Defined by their towering cloaked figures and dark aura, Dementors serve as the grim guards of Azkaban prison, embodying despair and misery. JK Rowling, drawing from her own experiences with depression, ingeniously crafted these creatures to symbolize the darkest aspects of the human psyche.

“Dementors are among the foulest creatures that walk this earth…” – a chilling description that captures the essence of these malevolent beings. Known for their ability to perform the dreaded ‘Dementor’s Kiss,’ where they consume a person’s soul, Dementors strike fear into the hearts of even the bravest wizards and creatures alike.

But why are Dementors seemingly more drawn to Harry Potter than others? Despite Professor Remus Lupin’s belief that it is Harry’s past traumas that attract them, a different theory beckons our attention.

On that fateful night in Godric’s Hollow, Voldemort’s ill-fated attempt to eliminate Harry inadvertently backfired, resulting in the creation of an unforeseen connection. By inadvertently turning Harry into a Horcrux during the failed murder attempt, Voldemort unwittingly tethered a fragment of his own soul to the Boy Who Lived.

In the complex web of magic and destiny, Harry became a vessel for part of Voldemort’s soul, akin to a Horcrux, yet never succumbing to possession. This unique bond between Harry and the Dark Lord’s soul fragment could explain the uncanny allure that Dementors feel towards him, as the lingering presence of Voldemort’s essence within Harry may resonate with these soul-draining creatures.

As we navigate through the intricate tapestry of Harry Potter lore, the enigmatic connection between Harry, Dementors, and JK Rowling’s profound storytelling unfolds, inviting readers to ponder the deeper layers of magic and destiny that permeate the wizarding world.

Join us on this journey of discovery as we unearth the secrets hidden within the pages of beloved franchises, unraveling the mysteries that continue to captivate audiences worldwide.