


Dumbledore didn’t share his knowledge about Basilisk fangs with Harry before he died. And yet, this information could’ve made things much easier for Harry, Ron and Hermione as they attempted to knock off Voldemort’s Horcruxes.

There are many things that Professor Albus Dumbledore did throughout Harry’s time at Hogwarts that people don’t really understand.

From his mysterious absences from Hogwarts when students needed him most to hiring a few really questionable professors, Dumbledore made some pretty terrible choices over the years. And yet, most of the worst decisions that he ever made all seemed to revolve around Harry.

While this article won’t focus on Dumbledore’s bigger Harry-related blunders—like, say, “raising him like a pig for slaughter” and never telling him—we will be taking a look at why he kept an important secret from him. Namely, how Basilisk fangs could have helped him in his mission to destroy Voldemort’s Horcruxes.

Read on to find out more!

What Is a Basilisk?


A Basilisk is essentially a giant, deadly snake. Sometimes referred to as the King of Serpents, this enormous reptilian creature was first bred by the Dark Wizard, Herpo the Foul.

Most Basilisks have the ability to live up to 900 years old, although it’s said that Salazar Slytherin’s Basilisk, which guarded the Chamber of Secrets, was closer to 1,000 years in age.

These creatures were green in colour with impenetrable scales and could grow up to 15 metres in length. As they were basically giant snakes, witches and wizards who knew Parseltongue could communicate with them.

In addition to being enormous, Basilisks had the ability to kill people with their stare, and petrify those who came into their peripheral vision. They also had rows of incredibly sharp, poisonous fangs, which were good for more than just eating its victims.

Dumbledore’s Secret About Basilisk Fangs

The secret Dumbledore knew but kept from Harry? The venon in Basilisk fangs have the ability to destroy Horcruxes.

Why did Dumbledore keep this secret from Harry?

The answer to this question is likely two-fold:

  1. Dumbledore gave Harry an alternative weapon to destroy Horcruxes
  2. He didn’t want to risk Voldemort finding out that Harry knew about the Horcruxes

1. Dumbledore gave Harry an alternative weapon

Since he left Godric Gryffindor’s sword to Harry upon his death, Dumbledore likely felt that this was enough of a weapon to help him and his friends take down the remaining Horcruxes.

It’s worth mentioning that the Sword of Gryffindor was only able to destroy Horcruxes since it had absorbed venom from the Basilisk in the The Chamber of Secrets when Harry killed the beast with the sword.But, in any case, Dumbledore knew that it would enable Harry to destroy additional Horcruxes.

2. He didn’t want to risk Voldemort finding out the plan

The second part of this close-held secret is that Dumbledore didn’t want to reveal his plan to defeat Voldemort, in case the information got into the wrong hands.

This is supported by the fact that he never explained to Harry what he was meant to do with the Sword of Gryffindor, imbued with Basilisk blood. If he had, the Minister for Magic—who delivered and observed the opening of the items left for Harry by the deceased Headmaster—would’ve become privy to the plan. While maybe not the most dangerous wizard to learn about Harry’s quest to destroy Horcruxes, this information very easily could have then gotten back to Voldemort.

As it were, Voldemort didn’t realize until much later that Harry, Ron and Hermione knew about his Horcruxes and were hunting them down.

And so, the former Headmaster likely assumed that Harry would be able to determine that the Sword was significant to defeating Voldemort in some way. After all, it was a rather eccentric gift to give a student. Never mind that the Sword didn’t even belong to Dumbledore and was not his to give away…

Should Dumbledore have risked telling Harry about the Basilisk fangs and their ability to destroy Horcruxes? Or was he justified in keeping it a secret? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Albus Dumbledore was one of the most celebrated wizards of his time. But, in addition to his many accolades, was he also a descendent of the great and powerful Merlin?

Other than being the most prominent and well-loved Headmaster to ever grace the hallowed halls of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Albus Dumbledore was also one of the most powerful and respected wizards of his time.

Considering his success, intelligence and abilities, it’s not hard to image that he could be related to other, equally as brilliant wizards from centuries long ago. Someone like the 6th-century’s Merlin, the wizard who is most famous for his adventures and involvement with King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.

But with hundreds and hundreds of years between these two prolific wizards, is it even POSSIBLE for them to be related? Let’s take a look.

3 Facts Supporting that Dumbledore Is Related to Merlin


FACT #1: It’s possible through Albus Dumbledore’s ancestry

Born in the summer of 1881 in the wizarding village of Mould-on-the-Wold, Albus was the eldest child of Percival and Kendra Dumbledore.

Considering the rumours about Kendra Dumbledore being a Muggle-born, it is quite unlikely that she was a descendent of the wizard Merlin. This means, that Albus was not related to Merlin on his maternal side.

Albus’ father, Percival, on the other hand, came from an English pureblood or half-blood wizarding family, meaning that it is possible for HIS family lineage to be connected to Merlin.

FACT #2: Wizarding world Merlin is not the same as Arthurian Merlin

Much of the Arthurian Legendsabout Merlin do not align with the Merlin as described in the wizarding world of Harry Potter.

This means that everything we know about the Merlin of Camelot cannot be broadly applied to the wizarding world’s version of Merlin. Why? Because they are clearly two different people.

The is best proven by the fact that the two Merlins existed centuries years apart, within their respective narrative worlds.

Arthurian Merlin lived around the 500s

According to the legends and texts, the Merlin known within the stories of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table lived within the early 6th century.

Wizarding world Merlin lived around the 1,000s

The Merlin of the wizarding world, however, lived much later—likely around the 1,000s. This is supported by the fact that Merlin was a well-known Slytherin pupil at Hogwarts—an institution which didn’t exist until the 10th century.

And, as he would’ve been only 11 when he first began his studies there, he clearly hadn’t been alive before Hogwarts’ founding in the 900s.

There’s also the fact that the Order of Merlin, a designation awarded “for acts of outstanding bravery or distinction in magic”, was created in the 1400s. This would’ve been almost a century after Camelot’s Merlin lived.

It seems a lot more likely that the Order of Merlin was created in homage to a more recent wizarding figure—Merlin, the Slytherin.

FACT #3: There are no coincidences in Harry Potter

With the previous two facts, you can see that it is indeed possible for Dumbledore and Merlin to be related within the context of the wizarding world. And, with all the coincidences that surround these two wizards, it actually seems probable.

For example, the Order of Merlin designation mentioned earlier, was awarded to Dumbledore for defeating the Dark Wizard, Grindelwald. And, not just the Order of Merlin—but the much rarer Order of Merlin, First Class.

Of course, I’m not suggesting that every recipient of the Order of Merlin, First Class was related to Merlin himself. But, it certainly seems quite coincidental that the highest achievement within the wizarding world, which was bestowed upon Dumbledore, was also an honour created in recognition of Merlin himself.

There’s also the interesting coincidence of Albus’ father’s name, Percival. Percival just so happens to be the name of one of the knights of the Round Table in Arthurian Legend.

Fact or Coincidence?

While there is very little evidence to support that Albus Dumbledore was a descendant of Merlin, there are so many coincidences, that it seems like a strong possibility.

After all, the wizarding world of Harry Potter offers very few true coincidences. Rather, it seems more likely that each of these examples are little clues meant to indicate a connection between the two wizards. One that goes beyond their magical accomplishments and reputations.

What about you? Do you think Dumbledore is related to Merlin? Please share your thoughts in the comments below!

Today, we will uncover a popular fan theory that suggests a unique bond between Harry and the sinister Dementors.

Defined by their towering cloaked figures and dark aura, Dementors serve as the grim guards of Azkaban prison, embodying despair and misery. JK Rowling, drawing from her own experiences with depression, ingeniously crafted these creatures to symbolize the darkest aspects of the human psyche.

“Dementors are among the foulest creatures that walk this earth…” – a chilling description that captures the essence of these malevolent beings. Known for their ability to perform the dreaded ‘Dementor’s Kiss,’ where they consume a person’s soul, Dementors strike fear into the hearts of even the bravest wizards and creatures alike.

But why are Dementors seemingly more drawn to Harry Potter than others? Despite Professor Remus Lupin’s belief that it is Harry’s past traumas that attract them, a different theory beckons our attention.

On that fateful night in Godric’s Hollow, Voldemort’s ill-fated attempt to eliminate Harry inadvertently backfired, resulting in the creation of an unforeseen connection. By inadvertently turning Harry into a Horcrux during the failed murder attempt, Voldemort unwittingly tethered a fragment of his own soul to the Boy Who Lived.

In the complex web of magic and destiny, Harry became a vessel for part of Voldemort’s soul, akin to a Horcrux, yet never succumbing to possession. This unique bond between Harry and the Dark Lord’s soul fragment could explain the uncanny allure that Dementors feel towards him, as the lingering presence of Voldemort’s essence within Harry may resonate with these soul-draining creatures.

As we navigate through the intricate tapestry of Harry Potter lore, the enigmatic connection between Harry, Dementors, and JK Rowling’s profound storytelling unfolds, inviting readers to ponder the deeper layers of magic and destiny that permeate the wizarding world.

Join us on this journey of discovery as we unearth the secrets hidden within the pages of beloved franchises, unraveling the mysteries that continue to captivate audiences worldwide.

If you’re familiar with the fairly recent video game release, Hogwarts Legacy, you may already have encountered the name Ranrok. This goblin, residing in the 19th century, defiantly challenged the wizarding world, rallying his fellow goblins under the banner of Ranrok’s Loyalists. But what drove him to harbor such intense hatred towards witches and wizards? And what were the circumstances that led him to orchestrate a rebellion that would ultimately fail?

Ranrok’s animosity towards wizardkind can be traced back to his youth. Desiring to join a wizard running an illicit dragon camp, Ranrok approached him seeking approval. However, fate took an unfortunate turn when he witnessed the wizard drop his wand. In an act of goodwill, Ranrok picked it up, unknowingly inciting the wizard’s fury. This particular wizard staunchly adhered to the Wand Ban, a policy prohibiting non-human creatures from wielding wands. Enraged, the wizard attacked Ranrok mercilessly, leaving him battered and scarred. This traumatic encounter forever altered Ranrok’s perception of wizardkind, igniting a burning desire for vengeance against the entire wizarding population.

Over time, Ranrok assembled his loyal army, known as the Loyalists. It became Ranrok’s unwavering belief that goblins should rightfully dominate the magical world. His obsession with acquiring the ancient, awe-inspiring magical powers wielded by a witch named Isidora Morganach led him to focus his rebellion on obtaining the repositories of her ancient magic. These repositories had been constructed by his ancestor, Bragbor the Boastful, fueling Ranrok’s belief that harnessing such unbridled power would enable him to subjugate wizardkind.

While Ranrok’s followers were predominantly goblins, an unexpected alliance formed between his forces and a group of dark wizards led by Victor Rookwood. This uneasy partnership was forged due to Rookwood’s knowledge of his ancestor, Charles Rookwood, a Keeper who possessed intimate details about the ancient magic sought by Ranrok.

In their mission to acquire the ancient magic and overthrow wizardkind, Ranrok and his Loyalists waged open warfare against the witches and wizards of Britain throughout the 1880s. Their initial assault took place in the sleepy village of Feldcroft, but it was only the beginning of a series of violent acts that targeted the wizarding world. Notably, Ranrok orchestrated a daring raid on Gringotts Bank and was directly responsible for the murder of his own brother. However, their most audacious move was yet to come – an audacious attack on Hogwarts Castle.

Through the twilight tunnels they had meticulously excavated beneath the school, Ranrok and his Loyalists infiltrated the famed magical institution, seeking entry to the revered Keepers’ Caverns. The objective was clear: lay claim to one of the vital repositories and absorb its ancient magic, empowering Ranrok with unimaginable strength.

Harnessing the power of the ancient magic, Ranrok achieved a phenomenal feat – transforming into a ferocious dragon. Convinced of his invincibility, he recklessly believed victory was within his grasp. However, destiny had other plans. A student at Hogwarts, blessed with the innate ability to wield ancient magic, courageously stood against Ranrok in his fearsome dragon form. The confrontation ended in a cataclysmic clash, resulting in a blinding explosion of ancient power. Ranrok, facing his ultimate defeat, was instantaneously struck down, his life extinguished in an instant. In his demise, he reverted to his original goblin form, leaving his Loyalists to retreat into obscurity, never to be heard from again.

Welcome to Hogsmeade Village, a hidden gem nestled in the enchanting Scottish Highlands and located near the renowned Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This all-wizarding village, believed to have been established during the 10th or 11th century, carries a rich history and captivating charm that has endured for centuries. Let us take you on a journey through the magical tapestry of Hogsmeade Village.

According to legends, Hogsmeade was founded by Hengist of Woodcroft, a wizard from Medieval England. Its establishment coincided with the foundation of Hogwarts, making Hogsmeade Village an ancient settlement that has stood the test of time. It is fascinating to note that Hogsmeade is the only all-wizarding village in Britain, a deliberate choice made by Hengist of Woodcroft to provide sanctuary and protection for witches and wizards during the perilous Middle Ages, when Muggle persecution was rampant.

As an all-wizarding community, Hogsmeade has faced its share of challenges from various magical creatures and beings. Notably, goblins have posed a recurring threat to the village throughout history. In 1612, Hogsmeade witnessed its first goblin rebellion, an attack that shook the village and its inhabitants. Centuries later, in 1890, the infamous goblin leader Ranrok and his followers unleashed a troll as part of their rebellion campaign against wizards, causing further unrest in the peaceful village.

Fortunately, after these turbulent times, Hogsmeade has enjoyed a relatively peaceful existence. While the wizarding world has faced moments of violence and upheaval, subsequent conflicts have not directly affected Hogsmeade as an all-wizarding settlement. However, the village has not been entirely untouched by the infamous dark wizards of modern times.

Gellert Grindelwald and Lord Voldemort, two of the darkest figures in wizarding history, have left their mark on Hogsmeade. Their respective uprisings and acts of terror have caused disturbances in the village throughout the 20th century. Most notably, Hogsmeade played a pivotal role in the Battle of Hogwarts on May 2, 1998, when villagers rallied together to support the defenders of Hogwarts against Voldemort and his Death Eaters. It was a tragic and heroic moment that forever etched Hogsmeade’s name in the annals of wizarding history.

In times of peace, Hogsmeade Village exudes a captivating tranquility. Whether you choose to stroll through its cobblestone streets, utilize one of the elusive secret passages, or arrive by the iconic Hogwarts Express, the village’s aesthetic charm is undeniable. With its picturesque buildings and inviting atmosphere, Hogsmeade offers a delightful escape from the mundane.

For those fortunate enough to visit Hogsmeade during the holiday season, the village truly comes alive. The spirit of celebration fills the air, reminiscent of the traditional Scottish Highland villages. Cozy, snow-covered streets adorned with festive decorations and bustling shops create a magical atmosphere that warms the hearts of all who wander through its enchanting lanes.

As we say farewell to Hogsmeade Village, our splendid journey through this all-wizarding haven draws to a close. From its humble beginnings to its pivotal role in the Wizarding Wars, Hogsmeade stands as a testament to resilience and unity within the wizarding community. Whether you seek a taste of magical nostalgia or wish to immerse yourself in the wonders of a hidden gem, Hogsmeade Village is a destination that must not be missed.