
Hogwarts Legacy


Ahead of its official launch date of February 10th, 2023, Hogwarts Legacywas already one of the best selling games across the board.

Early last year, it didn’t just feel like everyone was buying Hogwarts Legacy.Everyone WAS buying Hogwarts Legacy.

Publications, such as Forbes, reported that Hogwarts Legacy was the top selling game on multiple gaming platforms and online stores like Steam, Epic Store and Amazon. On Amazon, specifically, this immersive, role-playing game was ranked #1, #2 and #3 due to the fact that you could buy two different deluxe editions, as well as the regular edition.

The game broke records BEFORE it even launched.

But why was this exactly? In this article, we’ll review three of the most likely reasons why Hogwarts Legacy out-performed its competitors before it went live.

3 Reasons Hogwarts Legacy Was #1 Before It Launched in 2023

#1:Hogwarts Legacy is a multi-platform release

The game is not exclusive to one gaming platform over another, meaning that whether you own a PlayStation4, a PlayStation5, an Xbox or a Nintendo Switch—you can play Hogwarts Legacy. You can even play this game on your PC.

This obviously puts Hogwarts Legacy above other games that can only be operated on a specific console or platform.

#2: The wizarding world has an insanely strong fan base

From the books to the films, the wizarding world of Harry Potter has SO MANY fans.

Since Scholastic first published The Philosopher’s Stoneover 25 years ago in 1997, the world of Harry Potter has grown and expanded with fervour. Alongside the seven novels are the eight corresponding movie adaptations. And it didn’t stop there!

The universe is made up of many different pieces of fiction in the form of books, short stories, and even a play. Here’s a list of just some of them:

  • An archive of short stories and histories on wizardingworld.com
  • A collection of magical creatures in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
  • The history of the wizarding world’s most beloved sport in Quidditch Through the Ages
  • A book of wizarding children’s fairytales in The Tales of Beedle the Bard
  • Three instalments of the Fantastic Beastsfilms

As you can imagine, with such a vast body of work rooted in the wizarding world, there are a lot of fans who have been following the Harry Potteruniverse for many years.

#3: It’s been awhile…

Another possible reason the pre-sales of Hogwarts Legacytopped the charts last year? Simply put, it was the first game within the context of the wizarding world in over a decade! At least, the first good one. Fans of Harry Potterwho like to game were likely feeling rather excited at the prospect of something new to explore!

Were you one of the people who pre-bought the game? Why do you think people were so excited about it? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Hogwarts Legacy offers fans one of the first opportunities to explore the castle on their own, without any restrictions. If you’ve seen trailers or played the game already, then you’re aware of just how detailed it is.

Apparently, the castle is so vast and intricately built that even the game’s developers get lost in the castle! What this means, of course, is that we’re certainly not going to run out of places to explore in this immersive, open-world role-playing game. At least, not anytime soon!

But where to start? In this article, we’ll cover some of the top locations for players to explore in the Hogwarts Legacy video game.

10 Locations You Need to Explore in Hogwarts Legacy

In the following list, you’ll find the top places that you simply must check out, ranked in order from exciting to absolutely MAGICAL!

#10: The Great Hall

Coming in at number 10 is the enchanted Great Hall. Although not the most mysterious place within Hogwarts castle, it does have its charms—quite literally.

So much detail has gone into the enchanted ceiling that is meant to mimic the sky above, it is a must see. And who could resist being a part of their first-ever Sorting Hat ceremony?

#9: The Dungeons

Other than the fact that Professor Snape’s office and the Potions classroom are located down in the dungeons, we never used to know all that much about this location. But not anymore.

What mysteries or secrets can you uncover down there…?

#8: The Common Rooms

Within the Harry Potterseries, there were descriptions of three of the four house common rooms, including Gryffindor, Slytherin and Ravenclaw. Of course, being that Harry and his pals spent more time in certain common rooms, descriptions of Gryffindor were a lot more detailed than those of the others.

In Hogwarts Legacy, players have the opportunity to finally explore ALL of the houses in equal measure. Not to mention, you can finally learn what the Hufflepuff common room looks like!

#7: The Secret Passageways

Just how many hidden passages exist within Hogwarts Legacy? In the game, players have the chance to roam about the castle in search of these legendary and unknown routes throughout Hogwarts, and maybe even get up to a little mischief…

#6: The Great Lake

The Great Lake is, of course, one of the challenge locations in The Goblet of Fire’s Triwizard Tournament. Within the confines of Harry’s experience, we know that this body of water is home to some magical and menacing creatures.

What else could be hiding below its placid surface? Dive on in and discover what lurks beneath the depths of this enchanted lake.

#5: The Quidditch Pitch

Despite not being able to play in a Quidditch match in Hogwarts Legacy, it’s rather exciting to think that players have the opportunity to fly around the school’s pitch. Hop on your broomstick and see if you can find any new mysteries.

#4: The Forbidden Forest

Although a great many scenarios played out in the Forbidden Forest throughout the Harry Potterseries, there is still so much more to explore in the game. Here’s where you can meet a number of dangerous and exciting magical beasts—and who knows what else!

#3: Hogsmeade Village

Haven’t you always wanted the chance to simply wander around and explore the wizarding village of Hogsmeade? From Honeydukes Sweetshop to The Hog’s Head Pub, there’s plenty here that we have yet to learn…

#2: Gringotts Wizarding Bank

How could you not be excited to poke around Gringotts? Housing some of the wizarding world’s most famous treasures, exploring the bank is a thrilling journey all on its own. And since Hogwarts Legacytakes place well over 100 years before The Deathly Hallows, there’s bound to be a dragon—or two—residing in the depths of the building.

#1: The Room of Requirement

Coming in at number one, the most EXCITING place for players to explore is definitely The Room of Requirement. How could it not be? It’s the room that provides you with exactly what you need!

Are there any Hogwarts Legacy locations that excite you even more? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Today, we will uncover a popular fan theory that suggests a unique bond between Harry and the sinister Dementors.

Defined by their towering cloaked figures and dark aura, Dementors serve as the grim guards of Azkaban prison, embodying despair and misery. JK Rowling, drawing from her own experiences with depression, ingeniously crafted these creatures to symbolize the darkest aspects of the human psyche.

“Dementors are among the foulest creatures that walk this earth…” – a chilling description that captures the essence of these malevolent beings. Known for their ability to perform the dreaded ‘Dementor’s Kiss,’ where they consume a person’s soul, Dementors strike fear into the hearts of even the bravest wizards and creatures alike.

But why are Dementors seemingly more drawn to Harry Potter than others? Despite Professor Remus Lupin’s belief that it is Harry’s past traumas that attract them, a different theory beckons our attention.

On that fateful night in Godric’s Hollow, Voldemort’s ill-fated attempt to eliminate Harry inadvertently backfired, resulting in the creation of an unforeseen connection. By inadvertently turning Harry into a Horcrux during the failed murder attempt, Voldemort unwittingly tethered a fragment of his own soul to the Boy Who Lived.

In the complex web of magic and destiny, Harry became a vessel for part of Voldemort’s soul, akin to a Horcrux, yet never succumbing to possession. This unique bond between Harry and the Dark Lord’s soul fragment could explain the uncanny allure that Dementors feel towards him, as the lingering presence of Voldemort’s essence within Harry may resonate with these soul-draining creatures.

As we navigate through the intricate tapestry of Harry Potter lore, the enigmatic connection between Harry, Dementors, and JK Rowling’s profound storytelling unfolds, inviting readers to ponder the deeper layers of magic and destiny that permeate the wizarding world.

Join us on this journey of discovery as we unearth the secrets hidden within the pages of beloved franchises, unraveling the mysteries that continue to captivate audiences worldwide.

If you’re familiar with the fairly recent video game release, Hogwarts Legacy, you may already have encountered the name Ranrok. This goblin, residing in the 19th century, defiantly challenged the wizarding world, rallying his fellow goblins under the banner of Ranrok’s Loyalists. But what drove him to harbor such intense hatred towards witches and wizards? And what were the circumstances that led him to orchestrate a rebellion that would ultimately fail?

Ranrok’s animosity towards wizardkind can be traced back to his youth. Desiring to join a wizard running an illicit dragon camp, Ranrok approached him seeking approval. However, fate took an unfortunate turn when he witnessed the wizard drop his wand. In an act of goodwill, Ranrok picked it up, unknowingly inciting the wizard’s fury. This particular wizard staunchly adhered to the Wand Ban, a policy prohibiting non-human creatures from wielding wands. Enraged, the wizard attacked Ranrok mercilessly, leaving him battered and scarred. This traumatic encounter forever altered Ranrok’s perception of wizardkind, igniting a burning desire for vengeance against the entire wizarding population.

Over time, Ranrok assembled his loyal army, known as the Loyalists. It became Ranrok’s unwavering belief that goblins should rightfully dominate the magical world. His obsession with acquiring the ancient, awe-inspiring magical powers wielded by a witch named Isidora Morganach led him to focus his rebellion on obtaining the repositories of her ancient magic. These repositories had been constructed by his ancestor, Bragbor the Boastful, fueling Ranrok’s belief that harnessing such unbridled power would enable him to subjugate wizardkind.

While Ranrok’s followers were predominantly goblins, an unexpected alliance formed between his forces and a group of dark wizards led by Victor Rookwood. This uneasy partnership was forged due to Rookwood’s knowledge of his ancestor, Charles Rookwood, a Keeper who possessed intimate details about the ancient magic sought by Ranrok.

In their mission to acquire the ancient magic and overthrow wizardkind, Ranrok and his Loyalists waged open warfare against the witches and wizards of Britain throughout the 1880s. Their initial assault took place in the sleepy village of Feldcroft, but it was only the beginning of a series of violent acts that targeted the wizarding world. Notably, Ranrok orchestrated a daring raid on Gringotts Bank and was directly responsible for the murder of his own brother. However, their most audacious move was yet to come – an audacious attack on Hogwarts Castle.

Through the twilight tunnels they had meticulously excavated beneath the school, Ranrok and his Loyalists infiltrated the famed magical institution, seeking entry to the revered Keepers’ Caverns. The objective was clear: lay claim to one of the vital repositories and absorb its ancient magic, empowering Ranrok with unimaginable strength.

Harnessing the power of the ancient magic, Ranrok achieved a phenomenal feat – transforming into a ferocious dragon. Convinced of his invincibility, he recklessly believed victory was within his grasp. However, destiny had other plans. A student at Hogwarts, blessed with the innate ability to wield ancient magic, courageously stood against Ranrok in his fearsome dragon form. The confrontation ended in a cataclysmic clash, resulting in a blinding explosion of ancient power. Ranrok, facing his ultimate defeat, was instantaneously struck down, his life extinguished in an instant. In his demise, he reverted to his original goblin form, leaving his Loyalists to retreat into obscurity, never to be heard from again.

Welcome to Hogsmeade Village, a hidden gem nestled in the enchanting Scottish Highlands and located near the renowned Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This all-wizarding village, believed to have been established during the 10th or 11th century, carries a rich history and captivating charm that has endured for centuries. Let us take you on a journey through the magical tapestry of Hogsmeade Village.

According to legends, Hogsmeade was founded by Hengist of Woodcroft, a wizard from Medieval England. Its establishment coincided with the foundation of Hogwarts, making Hogsmeade Village an ancient settlement that has stood the test of time. It is fascinating to note that Hogsmeade is the only all-wizarding village in Britain, a deliberate choice made by Hengist of Woodcroft to provide sanctuary and protection for witches and wizards during the perilous Middle Ages, when Muggle persecution was rampant.

As an all-wizarding community, Hogsmeade has faced its share of challenges from various magical creatures and beings. Notably, goblins have posed a recurring threat to the village throughout history. In 1612, Hogsmeade witnessed its first goblin rebellion, an attack that shook the village and its inhabitants. Centuries later, in 1890, the infamous goblin leader Ranrok and his followers unleashed a troll as part of their rebellion campaign against wizards, causing further unrest in the peaceful village.

Fortunately, after these turbulent times, Hogsmeade has enjoyed a relatively peaceful existence. While the wizarding world has faced moments of violence and upheaval, subsequent conflicts have not directly affected Hogsmeade as an all-wizarding settlement. However, the village has not been entirely untouched by the infamous dark wizards of modern times.

Gellert Grindelwald and Lord Voldemort, two of the darkest figures in wizarding history, have left their mark on Hogsmeade. Their respective uprisings and acts of terror have caused disturbances in the village throughout the 20th century. Most notably, Hogsmeade played a pivotal role in the Battle of Hogwarts on May 2, 1998, when villagers rallied together to support the defenders of Hogwarts against Voldemort and his Death Eaters. It was a tragic and heroic moment that forever etched Hogsmeade’s name in the annals of wizarding history.

In times of peace, Hogsmeade Village exudes a captivating tranquility. Whether you choose to stroll through its cobblestone streets, utilize one of the elusive secret passages, or arrive by the iconic Hogwarts Express, the village’s aesthetic charm is undeniable. With its picturesque buildings and inviting atmosphere, Hogsmeade offers a delightful escape from the mundane.

For those fortunate enough to visit Hogsmeade during the holiday season, the village truly comes alive. The spirit of celebration fills the air, reminiscent of the traditional Scottish Highland villages. Cozy, snow-covered streets adorned with festive decorations and bustling shops create a magical atmosphere that warms the hearts of all who wander through its enchanting lanes.

As we say farewell to Hogsmeade Village, our splendid journey through this all-wizarding haven draws to a close. From its humble beginnings to its pivotal role in the Wizarding Wars, Hogsmeade stands as a testament to resilience and unity within the wizarding community. Whether you seek a taste of magical nostalgia or wish to immerse yourself in the wonders of a hidden gem, Hogsmeade Village is a destination that must not be missed.